by Jared | Mar 1, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Real Meat, Teriyaki
Howdy! Today we’re sampling a bag of Teriyaki Beef Jerky strips from Texas Meat Packers, a purveyor of fine meats just down the road in Richardson, Texas. This is a Go Texan jerky, made right here in the Lone Star State. We picked this one up at The Great State...
by Jared | Feb 26, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Real Meat
Greetings! We’re having a go at a bag of Billy D’s Teriyaki Beef Jerky recommended at a convenience store off the highway just south of San Francisco, California. Billy D’s is an American jerky, made from 100% domestic beef and proclaims itself to be...
by Jared | Feb 18, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Real Meat
Howdy! We’ve a package of Texas Best Smokehouse Teriyaki Beef Jerky purchased on a recent trek to their roadside smokehouse store in Italy, Texas. They offer quite a variety of meaty treats for sale, prepackaged and by the piece. And, since we only make it...
by Jared | Feb 8, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, People Treats
Hello again! We’re taking a gander at some Jack Link’s Sizzling Sweet Matador Beef Jerky purchased at a convenience store in the South part of Dallas, Texas. We’ve previously reviewed a couple other Matador Jerky flavors and were encouraged enough to pick up a...
by Jared | Feb 8, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Real Meat
Howdy there! Today we’re digging into a bag of 7 Select Original Beef Jerky picked up at a 7-Eleven convenience store in downtown Toronto, Ontario. The novelty of seeing beef jerky packaging with alternative text in French was just too much to pass up. This is...
by Jared | Feb 3, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Pork, Sticks and Sausages
Hi there fellow Jerkyologist! Today we’re digging into a package of Sugar River Original Beef & Pork Sticks Ends and Pieces picked up at the local Cabelas. This two-pound block of meat bits was a bit daunting at first. Two pounds is a LOT of meat. Still,...
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