To begin, Jerkyology is the study of Jerky. No doubt it is a niche discipline in the pantheon of scientific endeavors but for those who dedicate themselves to their works it is rich field that often yields great reward. is the world’s premiere jerky review and rating site. In fact at last check it is one of the few Jerky review and rating sites in the world. This labor of love belongs to Jared – a man who’s life long appreciation for jerky of all kinds intersected his interest in technology. Its all thanks to Leah, who encouraged her husband to take on a real hobby that would bring together some of the everyday things that bring him joy.
So here we are!
This site is dedicated to sharing a love of Jerky! Beef, turkey, chicken, alligator elk, buffalo… they can all be TASTY when skillfully prepared. The trouble is that, like so many things, its difficult to know what the good stuff is. This is where you can go to get one man’s opinion and, just maybe, some pointers to a few treats you might not have otherwise encountered.
As for the reviews, a few things to remember:
- Its all subjective. One man’s tasty treat is another man’s shoe leather.
- Its all for fun. This site isn’t paying the bills. Take it for what it is and enjoy!
- Its all about the JERKY, because Jerky Tastes Good!